What is Trim-Advisor

Traditionally ships are designed to operate on her design draft with her design speed. As fuel prices where low and freight was high, ships where used to sail on Full (Design) speed and consumption was not much of a concern. Recent years however showed a progressive increase in fuel cost and as a result slow steaming became the new norm. This effect has been even more so the case after IMO2020 regulations became into force for non-scrubber fitted vessels.
Optimum Trim
During design stages, the naval architect assumes the vessel is at even keel when sailing in laden condition at design speed. This means a change of trim, due to squats effects are anticipated, but only for that particular design speed. A lower speed means a lower squatt and thus a different change of trim. In order to overcome added resistance as a result, trim should be adjusted and her optimum trim must be re-calculated.
Until recently, such solution was only available by ordering an expensive product, based on tow-tank tests and /or CFD-modeling. Apart from being very expensive, also a lengthy process of upto 6-8 weeks.
Furthermore, these products only looked at the hull shapes and do not take propellor efficiency into account. A major driver of optimum trim is however the ability to maintain propulsion efficiency in combination with an optimum hull flow. You can’t have either of them, they are contributing each other.
Rensmarine took a more holistic approach and overcome the following challenges at once:
- Cost effective
- Quick
- Easy to use
- maintain propellor efficiency by including wave height
This has resulted in our Trim-Advisor product which can be used in several ways.
Convinced or want to know more? Contact us today and we will be happy to tell you more about.